Why Software Development Outsourcing is Even More Relevant After COVID-19

Everything seemed to have suddenly come to a halt when the world was hit by the global health crisis early last year. Borders started closing, and businesses operating brick and mortar stores were forced to close down in fear of profusely spreading the virus. Though vaccines have already been rolled out and borders started to slowly open, the pandemic is far from over. With these, employers strived to cope up by finding ways on how they can continue their operations without sacrificing anybody’s safety.

Sitting this crisis out without doing anything will only lead to closure or massive loss for the business. The good news is you can still save your business by tweaking your ways of working. Yes, you can open up your stores and offices, but you’re running the risk of infecting your employees and customers. And that’s not a good business move. If you choose to open on a skeletal force, you’re only incurring operational expenses without maximizing your ROI. That’s not a good business decision, either.

So, what’s the best option, in that case, you suppose? That’s correct! Going online is the right way to go. However, your management efforts shouldn’t end there. Besides digitalizing your operation, you have to make a customized system that will replace the usual face-to-face work routine you and your team are used to.

Why do you need to develop customized software to run your business?

No two businesses have the exact same ways of working. A system may even be helpful for this business but is detrimental to another. You need to have a system that’s built for you and your team. You don’t get these sets of infrastructure by subscribing to pre-designed programs. These pre-built programs may have extensive features and could help you run your operations, but they can’t be as flexible as those built after a thorough study of your processes. For this reason, it’s best to outsource software developers to immerse into your current ways of working to come up with a customized, tailor-fit system that works best for your team.

Why investing in software development outsourcing make more sense after the pandemic?

It’s a shared sentiment among the business community how they suffered significant losses during the pandemic. Because of these losses, they were forced to lay off their workers or, worse, close down their business. The least they need as they pick themselves up to start all over again is to hire more people to be on their payroll. When they need somebody to build and maintain software, it is financially sound to outsource someone for the one-time software development job and recurring system maintenance. Even if you pay these developers a hefty amount one time, you will still be in a better financial position than hiring and keeping an in-house IT staff.

Remote work is still the trend

Before the pandemic, remote work has been on a steady rise. The demand for the same skyrocketed when it seemed to be the safest option to replace traditional work. A study published by Harvard Business School revealed that over 45% of businesses have moved their entire operation online and wish to continue the same system even after the pandemic. Furthermore, a survey conducted by the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) showed that about 80% of businesses had adopted a remote system post-COVID.

These facts alone suggest that remote work will still be on a steady rise even after the health crisis since it’s a more cost-efficient and creative alternative to the traditional face-to-face work environment. With remote work being a necessity post-COVID, your business can even save more if you outsource the task of developing a system that will make your remote operation.

You don’t have to be together to reach a collective goal

Looking back, you’ll see that the teams built for remote work didn’t have a hard time adjusting to the pandemic’s economic repercussions. As for teams who were forced to go remote, they might struggle initially, but as time passed by and as they cope up, their productivity picked up. Over time, they found out that they don’t have to be physically together to achieve their set goals.

According to Professor E.Glenn Dutcher, work in a less formal system can drag workers down and adversely affect their productivity. However, he noted that the same environment nurtures creativity and allows workers to think outside the box. So, when productivity is in question, it’s not right to assume that remote work makes one less productive. As published in TechRepublic’s report, remote workers even indicate that working away from the office allowed them to create an outstanding work-life balance as the stress from commuting, spending more time with their family, and giving them the freedom to work where they want.


Given all these facts, it’s safe to assume that what you need to succeed and reach your targets is a stable, secure, and working system that’s built for you and your team’s needs. And you don’t have to hire someone and place them on your payroll to have this system built for you. Instead, look for a reputable software developer, outsource the project and see how your bottom line improves. What’s even better is you can commission the same people to maintain the system for you.

As they would put it, never let a good crisis go to waste. You see, a crisis remains a setback if you refuse to think out of the box and innovate.